A profit-making strategy from youtube

There are a lot of youtube posts on youtube, and today I don't intend to add a new article to this list, but I do intend to build a foundation stone on how to make a profit on youtube for every Arab girl or young man who wants to make a profit on

 Today I will put in your hands a comprehensive guide that will enable you to become a real, successful, famous youtube capable of making thousands of dollars, consistently and guaranteed, in legitimate ways that conform to youtube laws and requirements.

 There's a legend that to make money on youtube, all you have to do is post some clips and attract viewers, and then sit back and watch money rain on your account. Well, that sounds amusing and we all wish things could be that simple.

 But winning from youtube takes time, effort, and investment. Indeed, the results that can be harvested are worth the time, effort and investment that is required.

 Here is a small list of some of the most important youtube channels and their profits, from which you can appreciate youtube's enormous profit opportunities:

 Dantdm channel belongs to Daniel midelton, with a profit of $16.5 million and over 19 million subscribers with 13,834,694,779 views.

 The evan fong vanossgaming channel, which has a profit estimate of $15.5 million, and has more than 23 million subscribers with up to 10.093.833.407 views.

 Dude perfect, with profits estimated at $14 million, and over 31 million subscribers had views of 6.531,844,044.

 Why is youtube making an extraordinary opportunity for everyone?

 Video in general and youtube in particular are excellent means of communicating any idea in an easy, simple and powerful way to Internet users.

 Internet users are often lazy, so they prefer to view the Internet by the least demanding means, precisely what youtube videos provide.

 According to the statistics on youtube, it alone attracts nearly 2 billion users per month (1.800 billion to be exact).

 With youtube's profit-sharing system, video producers have become more motivated to make videos as efficient and professional as possible and to cover all human concerns. As a result, youtube users trust it as a search engine and use it not just for entertainment, but to answer all their questions and solve all their problems.

 Youtube represents an opportunity for every person with a passion or interest to turn that passion or interest into an opportunity to make a profitable and growing profit

Youtube is not an opportunity for a certain class of content makers, but it has opened up new perspectives and opportunities for photographers, video designers, actors, directors, etc. Youtube, in short, is an online version of the world of cinema and television, but it is more innovative and flexible, with doors open to everyone without distinction.

 What do I need to start making money on youtube?

 #1 youtube channel idea

 This is the most important and dangerous point ever in the youtube profit-making route, and if implemented intelligently and wisely, it reduces much of the time and effort lost in the future.

 To test the success of the youtube channel idea you want to work on, you need to evaluate it according to two basic themes, which will be expressed here in these questions:

 Would your channel be about the idea that you're really good at?
 There is always a common factor in every youtube star, or, say, every successful youtube channel, that they are really good at what they do.

 Take, for example, one of the famous and successful youtube channels that specializes in teaching girls the mike. You will find that the girl with the channel or the front is really interested in the makeup world, she has a lot of knowledge about this world, and she will always learn about the Michael field to give her followers something new.

 Here, as a youtube aspirant, you must have the idea of a youtube channel that revolves around a field you are really interested in, knowledgeable about, and always has a passion and love to learn in this field.

 Is there an audience that CARES what you plan to do with your channel?
 In the preceding point, suppose that you are interested in astronomy and space sciences and plan to create a youtube channel on this subject, and in the next point measure your expected audience. Here are some points that will help you understand the size of your potential audience:

 Using the Google tool to measure keyword search rate, enter the most important keywords around which your channel will turn and without monthly search rates per word.

 (remember that the low number of subscriptions may be due to the poor quality of the channels, not to the lack of an interested audience).

 You should also look up videos similar to what you want to do on your channel. Some channels that offer varied content may have one or more videos of your channel's idea, but also without the number of views for each video.

 3. Search the sochi media for groups or pages that speak of ideas identical or similar to that of your channel, and without their size and level of interaction.

 As to how to define your channel on youtube, or to get some ready-made channel ideas, you should go back to the subject below:

 How do I define the youtube channel

 Youtube channel ideas are successful

 #2 sets of skills

 Now you have a youtube channel idea based on your interests and passion, which you find has a large and already interested audience. Very nice of you to come by.

 Although working as a publisher on youtube

.Speaking, speaking, acting, explaining and commenting skills
 Of course, you have to have the skill that fits the nature of the content you're going to be offering in your channel, to illustrate, let's continue our example of space and astronomy... you have to have good skills in communicating information and commenting on hot news in the space world, the ability to explain and simplify difficult concepts... etc.

 Photography skills
 Video quality is a critical element for more viewing, and therefore more profiting, and of course video quality is largely dependent on the photographic skills of the photographer.

 Editing, editing and directing skills
 A good portrait without a good directing is nothing. So to complement good video imaging, there must also be skills to produce it professionally, which requires a professional video director.

 Marketing skills
 Everything that happens online needs to be marketed to bear fruit, and so does youtube profitability. As a youtube channel owner, you must have some knowledge and skill on how to market your videos and channels, whether through youtube itself or other social media, or through your own independent youtube channel blog.
