There is no doubt that many people who used the opportunity to collect and purchase bitcoin in late 2017 made themselves very rich. Some of these guys started from scratch or almost nothing and got pretty rich.
Collecting small amounts of bitcoin and digital COINS through taps or any other method, in the early days of bitcoin's revolution, was enough to make a fortune if it held up to a high of about $20,000.
But can you still turn your free time into a wealth of bitcoin today?
How are you going to be rich in bitcoin and digital COINS
Most people who made bitcoin super-rich did it because of one huge increase in the value of bitcoin. So to become a rich bitcoin, you first have to collect or buy it and wait until it's worth more.
The most optimistic prediction about the price of bitcoin is that it will come to us $1 million in the future. This is a huge figure. Although very optimistic, there is some logic to this prediction. Regardless of the current state of the market.
So at the current bitcoin price, you would need to raise about $7,000 worth of bitcoin to become a millionaire if that prediction is true.
The question now is, can you collect 1 full bitcoin by free methods?
Joined the club 21 million for free:
Club 21 million is a quaint abbreviation to say you have 1 bitcoin, because the maximum currency of bitcoin is 21 million in total.
Let's look at some freebies you can get into:
The faucets give you a small amount of bitcoin once you visit the site and click a button. If you collected these faucets as they first appeared, and then stored the collected COINS to their highest value, you would now have a decent sum.
One of the most popular and trustworthy taps is
Adbtc ... You can have dash queen every five minutes at this location.
Bit Fun in this faucet, encrypt your ibi, and your profits will double.
Oh, my god.
Gives you about 30 satoshi every time you visit the site, if you work hard, you get 360 satoshi per day (12 hours). About 0.001314 a year. Not much. And you can also get bonus points and gain the benefit of keeping the currency in your account, so it will reach 0.002, and if bitcoin comes to $1 million, you will have $1500, which is not bad for very little effort, but it certainly won't make you rich.
Ico or initial view of digital encoded currency
Many of the projects that are recently launched will be given free digital currency. You can find out more about this subject in my article about the best way to get bitcoin and digital COINS for free.
The amount you will receive from each site varies from cents to tens of dollars, or even hundreds of dollars. This makes it very difficult to estimate how much you can get from these sites, but in my experience, on average, you can raise at least $50 a month if you take the time to collect properly, which means $600 a year.
And if bitcoin comes to $1 million, it's worth about $85,000.
Of course, you can double your collection by selling your currency on time.
Double your collection of digital COINS.
Don't forget, once you have some bitcoin and digital COINS that you've collected for free, try to multiply them by gaining interest or trading!
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